Monday 30 June 2014

Progression on them based project-Present 5 images (Broga Hills)

28/6/2014(week 12)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin(0319405)
Progression on Project-Theme Based:Presentation of 5 images in Printed Form

So I came to lecture a tad bit late,luckily I didn't miss a thing.As I came in Mr Vinod was giving feedback on my other classmates working progress.When it came to my turn ,Mr Vinod gave a few comments(which I  have posted on my previous post) regarding the pictures I took of last week.Long story short he did this with all his students.Being the nosey person I am,I payed attention to what Mr Vinod had to say to the rest of my classmates work.I've found that he wanted different and unique photos,something that would stand out.After giving his feedback,we proceed with out lessons.Todays lesson Mr Vinod talked about the previous results of our leaning style and inventory test.Basically the reason why we did the test was to understand ourselves more was a test to determine how we learned best.There are many different learning styles form visual learner,auditory learner,tactile and even visual-tactile which is best of both.Before lesson ended Mr Vinod took us to the photo shoot studio and introduced us to the equipments there.There were green screens,lights and lamps all for our use.

*I forgot to mentioned that last week Mr Vinod asked us to choose a few portraits of vintage pictures.We are supposed to pose if not identical something similar to the photos we had chosen .And this week is my turn to pose in front of the camera.
I do hope I don't look lost like a deer in the headlights.

Progress on my 5 presentable images :

Coloured Photos :

More on my facebook page 

General Feedback:
As for general feedback Mr Vinod did mentioned to us that the closer we are towards the end of the final submission due for our major 5 picture project the more we have to WORK HARDER.He mentioned that if we wanted our work to be selected ,exhibited and even published later on we should be stepping out our games.Mr Vinod said that we shouldn't just be going to only one destination but to explore,to have some different variety.Not only that,Mr Vinod made a point that we should all be active and take not only just 5 photos but more since we are closer to our deadline."RAMP IT UP NOW" -Mr Vinod.

Specific Feedback:
As for my specific feedback Mr Vinod mentioned that my pictures were nice.The first and last ( the lalang shot) were good.However he didn't specifically mentioned if they were publish worthy.He mentioned that it was all up to me,that I have to decide whether I want it to be good or great,or excellent or better yet something HEAD TURNING!
In addition to that,Mr Vinod did mentioned that I seem to have grasped the exposure and composition to a certain degree but I still must learn to see beyond what is seen ,there lies the key.And so he wishes me good luck.

I've came to observe how much I've enjoy taking photos in black and white.Normally i would overlook the whole black and white photos since they are quite boring,but to be honest ever since I've been taking photos in black and white I've came to realised that it is actually quit difficult and is a challenge.It is off a skill that not everyone can do,and it takes time.Therefore,I feel even more challenged to take the photos .This is because photos in black and white requires you to have plenty of  patience to calculate and determine the perfect shades for each section of the photo.Just like the lessoned we had learnt regarding the Ansel Adams shot.
The fact that not everyone can take good shots in black and white makes me feel more engrossed to perfect my work,weird thing is I function that way.Although,I must admit Im not very good at it yet and sometimes I cheat by just taking the shots in the shade I think is suitable enough I still think that if I have a lot of determination I can be able to capture shots just like Ansel Adams.( < big dreams right here )
Another thing that I've also realised is that everyone is unique,most of us have similar test results but for the most part how we study and absorb information is somewhat different.Some of my classmates can listen to music and do their work perfectly fine where as me and a few others have difficulty in focussing when being greatly distracted by the music.Whenever I play music I end up singing along.

Whiles hiking Broga hills,it was a refreshing experience.I gathered all my old schoolmates and made them hike with me.To my least expectation they were all anctious and excited.They called me up early at 4 am  just to make sure I was wide awake and dressed.I was ready by 4:30am.Sadly one of my guy friends didnt even woke up after several calls,so we drove by his house and literally threw rocks at his window.Eventually we were on the road by (6 am) on the way to Semeyih.The drive there wasn't so bad since I liked road trips.Sadly we missed the sunrise instead we just saw the sky getting brighter,sort of pinkish.We were of course near by already.Once we've arrived,we parked our car and up we go .

The trail way I must admit was pretty rocky,there were uneven steps and had no railing.I was scared to death because it was so slippery and to make matters worse my jogging shoes were frictionless.Along,the way up,there were breath taking views,I had to stop and had to at least take one random shot.My mates were getting bored since all they wanted to do was to get to the top.So off we went higher and higher.Again I took shots of the pretty landscapes.Long story short,there were much photos to take,but I was too into nature to actually capture them all.I guess that was my lost,sometimes I get distracted pretty easily.All I wanted to do then was to relax and let my skin soak the sun,wind in my hair and enjoy every bit of it all.We sat on giant boulders and rested there for a bit,talking,wondering,we were pretty much quiet the entire time just laying.I guess we were up there for a while.
There was that one part where you had to climb up a huge ass rock and I made it thorough with a bit of a boost,sometimes people seem to think im to fragile to do stuff. Anyways my guy friends all failed the first few attempts and I was laughing at the top.

I did get a scratch on my knee on the way down,which brings to another story.My friend wanted to make sure it was safe to slide down so he insisted on going first,then I.So he slided down and I went right after,at first it was okay but i started to realised I lost my grip and I went super fast,my friend Hariz also lost control and nearly knocked a tree so he went sideways,I tried to avoid other people and went sideways as well towards the left,still loosing control I was about to hit this kid and we'd both be sent down into this deep pit,luckily this kid managed to  stop me from skidadling,my hero :) So of course I was worried sick for the child since his hands got hurt a bit but he managed a smile.Anyways right after my other friend Kavin stopped just behind me.He told me that he too lost his grip and was nearly about to send me and the little boy down the pit hole.Man that was a relief.

Long story shot,we made it down,drove home tired,stopped by the roadside to eat chendol and rojak.
And I would do it all over again.

Because they deserve an appreciation  post 
From what I've understand a visual learner is someone who learns better when the person can relate to another or to a fact.In simple words the person learns better when they have guidance before hand.
I also found that not everything is permanent,like the world we too change,this test was to show how we've change over the few months.It is okay to change,change is normal.
I've also realised that majority of us had grown up in a teacher centric environment which is actually not healthy for our development.We tend to be to shy in solving the questions for the fear of getting scolded and so on.So what do you do when this happens?I've found that you should start being active by doing something.take notes and start writing.Writing helps to imprint the information in your mind and I can safely say this works for me.I've always realised that my mind wonders around a lot  and I get distracted pretty easily.Im the type of person who cant stand still for far to long,to spark my interest,the speaker has to have a good point and so on.A trick that Mr Vinod shared was that he used to tape record his lecture talks and pal yit in the car on the way back.I think this is a briliant idea because for someone who easily forgets I try to recall things after lectures so they stay better in my memory.

Something important Mr Vinod mentioned was that you cant wait till your older to become more disciplined,you must start now or it'll be to late.As the saying goes "Old habits die hard".

Oh did I mentioned that the photos that I took were mostly in colour .I've decided to take this opportunity to use photoshop and edit the photos into black and white.Now sometimes its not as easy as it look,trying to decide which shades are better and to visualise the final outcome beforehand takes time.

What I first did was I opened my photo in photoshop.
Next under
image>adjustments>black & white
From there on I played around with the colour edits.I adjusted the reds and yellow which I ofund makes the photo either lighter or darker.I've found Cyan makes the Background either lighter or darker .Overall I decide which part should be the darkest and using the Ansel adams concept I made sure I didn't over expose certain areas just to keep details from missing.Editing the photos weren't so hard,I think with practice I could probably do better.
This time around I've also realised that my photos are more towards scenery,there are only one or two of which are close up shots.I've had much thought put into this and I guess I've decided that I would do close up shots of nature.Because there is so much beauty that people miss out on,like what Mr Vinod said,most of the pretty pictures have already been taken by someone,not saying your picture is bad,its just not special.So it would be a lot interesting taking photos of miscellaneous things that I'll  find in the woods.
Overall I cant wait to go out again to hike and take my photos,its just a point of fasting and getting through it.Let that not be a challenge.

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