Saturday 7 June 2014

Project : Theme Based: Presentation of 5 images in printed form

6/6/2014(week 10)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin(0319405)
Project : Theme Based: Presentation of 5 images in printed form

During todays class Mr Vinod talked about our up coming assignment.He mentioned that we will be getting less feedback and will not be able to redo this assignment.All this while he told us that  we were being hand held and now it is time to let go.There will be no supervision as to what we would be doing.However Mr Vinod  did told us to not be afraid and be brave enough to explore different types of photography.Since we have done all the exercises, regarding exposure and what it is effected by such as iso,aperture and shutter speed.We had even learned about the zone system ,rule of thirds and the principles underpinning composition and lastly editing and photo consistency which we did last week.Now Mr Vinod told us that we are required to pic a topic
whether it be landscapes,texture and ect.Mr Vinod did say that we should be bold and daring enough to take photos that are different,that will make heads turn.A good photo makes people question,great work that slaps someones face.The work doesn't have to be safe.He emphasise that in order to must create a mark in the world you must be able to leave people baffle by your work.
But how do you stand out? that was the question that stayed in my mind and Mr Vinod gladly explained that you must be different,break the norm.

Instruction to project:
1.Choose a subject of interest.
2.Photograph 5 pictures that interrelate.
3.Print out the pictures in hardcopy

Inspirations :

I've always had a fascination with old and abundant places,places like old abandon theme parks are the pace,they kind of leave you a chill feeling,the picture says it all,how deserted the place feels,you'll see,crops overgrown and it look very haunted looking,I would love to capture image's like these sometime.To be able to look through and see the beauty of all this forgotten places.A place now a hauntingly beautiful scene of decay.

Being alone

Landscapes and scenery

This is what I call a beautiful shots,the landscape pictures are particularly wide,maybe they shot it using wide view lenses but for the most part,the edit doesn't look so extreme until it looks extremely fake .

Hardcopy :

Reflection :
There weren't much experience this week since I didn't do any exercises.I did however did a few research not in depth,but I've searched for photos that help inspired me to take creative photos for my project.

Observation :
From todays class I've realised that if you want to be know for something,you've got to go beyond the social norm.Like what Mr Vinod mentioned is that we are all unique in our own special way and that is uneatable.He mentioned that we must  tap into our individuality, the key aspects of yourself and try amplify it .I've also observed that you should always do your research before hand,it is important to know different varieties of photos and know where your benchmark should stand.

I've also came to observe that,I pretty much stay in my comfort zone,I haven't had yet challenge myself to go beyond.I was thinking of taking photos of scenery for my 5 picture assignment but to think of it again I've always done scenery.

Findings :
So Im kind of late to do this whole findings thing,my greatest apologies.So far I've found out that most pictures I see are quit similar in terms of

I've also found out that I really really like nature pictures,weather it be landscapes,old ruins,the forests and such,Im really into the non buzzy hype of the city,I've always think that that was something strange to actually possess such a liking to those things,what other people see as neglected objects,I cherish.However,now I've came to realised that Im not alone,there are other photographers out there that have similar taste like I do.I've also came to the conclusion that I do not fancy all these photos that are being overly edited through photoshop,some may think its spectacular,I think it looks fake and unrealistic.To me the point of photoshop is to only enhance the picture,not to make it look so hd and unrealistic looking that when I see it,it doesn't look and feel real. I've also came to realise I like being alone,I think I've always known that,being alone in a sense that Im placed somewhere peaceful somewhere far from the hussle and bussle of the city,where people cant reach me.

Test Results :
week 1

week 12

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