Saturday 12 April 2014

"Photographs and Photographers" and "Mr.Vinods top 10 Most Liked Pictures"

11/4/2014 ( Week 2)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin ( 0319405)
"Photographs and Photographers" and  "Mr.Vinods top 10 most liked pictures"

Lecture :
Today as class begin as usual we would mark our attendance and take a sit.Mr Vinod asked us students weather we have completed and submitted our work link on the Photography facebook page.He then begin to ask questions on which presentation/photo did we students think was the most memorable and why.

After watching most of the students videos including mine he begin to show us his take on his favourite top 10 photographers and their work.The photographers that he showed us were Herb Britts,Mark Selinger (rolling stones),Prabhuddha Dasgupta a (fashion photographer,)Richard Avedon (who shot a couple of photos during the Khumbla Festival),Manoj Jadhav and Raghu rao who is a (National Geography photographer)

Instructions :
1.Re-write last weeks reflection.
2.Do research on a few different photographers.
3.Study what is Aperture and how it works.
4.Download Fight Club and Warlock

Exercise :

Feedback :
General Feedback:
Mr.Vindo gave us a general feedback regarding our e-portfolio.He did mention that our e-portfolio is to be updated before wednesday night before 12PM so that he can mark on our process by Thursday morning.I remember how Mr Vinod also stressed about the importance of having an e-portfolio as we are being graded on it,however he did mention that we shouldn't just drive on marks . One of the reasons why it is important to have an e-portfolio is it helps to improve ones talking skills,it also helps you to reflect and figure out all sorts of information that you have obtained during the period of the lesson.

Specific Feedback :
Mr Vinod told me that my e-Portfolio: the experience section of the reflection was incomplete however the rest was good. He reminded me to try and be as introspective as possible, like a scientist under a microscope. Nevertheless, I made a good attempt at writing the reflection, I should keep improving and try to stick within the parameters of the topic being discussed.Other points of reflection unrelated are also welcome. Also any suggestion with regard to the teaching and learning experience in the class I.e: with regard to my delivery of the topic or presentation (too fast/slow etc) would also be welcome

Reflection :
Experience :
From todays class I've experienced how to appreciate different photographs and photographers.It is the details and the effort that other photographers put that makes their photos stand out more.I also begin to appreciate black and white photos.Previously I wasn't too fond of black and white photos,they were to me 'okay' but during the slides Mr Vinod showed the 10 photographs he liked, I enjoyed every picture there was.

Observation :
From todays class I've realised that everyone has their own liking.Not all photos are attractive to others.I've realised that it is okay to criticise others work and let others criticise yours as well.It is a process of learningWe shouldn't take it personally instead use that criticism and help perfect ourselves,I also find it really helpful if someone criticise my work,I get see y work in a different perspective.I also realised that most of Mr.Vinod's favourite photograph pictures are in black and white.I realised that even tho the pictures are simple it is because of the photographer and how he manage to capture the image under such lighting.

Findings :
From what I've gathered I've realised that most of us (my classmates) have different likings whether some of us like colour in our photos or simply prefer photos in black and white.I also found out that by asking question frequently you gain more knowledge .Activities such as having a group discussion helps us to exchange our thoughts regarding different matters and help us to become an active learner.I also found out that it is good to be different,we should all be different and try to achieve something great.How we do so?? Well by stepping out of our comfort zone,like what Mr.Vinod said 'if you want to achieve something that different and extraordinary you must be able to go the extra mile'.Just like his friend who went to a remoted dangerous place in order to find and original work piece.

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