Saturday 19 April 2014


18/4/2014(week 3)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin (0319405)

Lecture :
In the previous week we were supposed to do our own research regarding the functions of an Aperture.When I first came to class today Mr Vinod had asked us all to form a circle in the centre of the room  facing one another and begin with the classroom discussion.We were required to exchange our  thoughts and research and to each other,asking questions were also encouraged. After the class discussion Mr Vinod even showed us a small presentation regarding the Aperture located in the lens.He gave answers to some of our questions such as What is a Diaphragm?  Mr.Vinod then mentioned that we would have to carry out an exercise in order to prove to ourselves if the both of the theory he told us was right was right.

Instructions for today's Aperture exercise:
Aperture Exercise 2a.1) 
1.Take a picture of your repetitive subject starting with the right exposure combination of shutter speed and aperture.
2.Start your aperture setting from the lowest number (f1.4/f2.0/f3.5)
3.Do not change the shutter settings as the aperture is increased.

Aperture Exercise 2a.2)
1.Take a picture of your repetitive subject starting with the right exposure combination of shutter speed and aperture.
2.Start your aperture setting from the lowest number (f1.4/f2.0/f3.5)
3.Compensate the increase of your aperture with your shutter settings as the aperture is increased to maintain the right exposure. 

Exercise 2.a.1
1.Determine if Aperture controls exposure

Aperture: 5.6,Shutter Speed: 50, ISO : 200

Aperture : 8.0, Shutter Speed :50, ISO :200

Aperture : 11, Shutter Speed :50,ISO :200

Aperture :16,Shutter Speed :50,ISO :200

Aperture :22,Shutter Speed :50, ISO: 200
What I've learned:
The smaller the Aperture number (ex: 4.0) ,the larger the opening.In the last picture the photo is now darker,this is due to the larger number of aperture.A larger number of aperture,the smaller the opening therefore less light reaching towards the sensor.Without compensating with the shutter the amount of light is insufficient hence a darker photo is produced.

Exercise 2.a.2
1.Determine if Aperture controls depth of field

Aperture:5.6,Shutter Speed:50,ISO:200

Aperture:8.0,Shutter Speed:25,ISO:200

Aperture:11,Shutter Speed:13,ISO:200

Aperture:16,Shutter Speed:6,ISO:200

Aperture:22,Shutter Speed:4,ISO:200

2a) Aperture (5%)
Marking Criteria: The student must capture the evidence of the Aperture’s influence in exposure using the various f-stops. The student must also capture the evidence of the Aperture’s influence on depth of field.

Feedback :
General feedback:
Mr Vinod said that we are all doing well with our e-portfolio.

Specific feedback:
Mr Vinod said that my exercise seemed accurate and have fulfil the criteria of the exercise.I did a good job.However  regarding the small description about "What I've Learned":
The smaller the Aperture(ex:4.0),the larger the opening ... Mr Vinod told me that it was not precise.He corrected and explained to me that the reason why the photo became darker towards the end was because of the larger number of aperture used.The larger the number of aperture,the smaller the opening.Therefore there is insufficient amount of light to reach the sensor hence a darker picture is formed.Lastly Mr Vinod said my e-portfolio in particular the reflection was good and I should keep up the good work.I was reminded that it is okay to express anything negative or positive in my experience,observations and findings as this will help me learn not only about my thinking process but also give Mr Vinod some feedbacks on his delivery of his lesson.

Screen Shots of Hardcopy :


From todays class I've experienced what team work was really all about all, even tough at first the classroom was at silence. When a few of us begin to speak up eventually all of us slowly begin to engage in the conversation.Not long after we begin to exchange information regarding the aperture of a camera. Some of us even asked questions that made not only us but also Mr.Vinod ponder.Does the size of the a different camera lens have the same aperture? Does our cellphones have an aperture?If so can we adjust it?I also liked the experience of 

Form what i've observed it is important to have an e-portfolio not only because it is slightly graded but more importantly it helps to improve our essay skills by explaining the findings we gathered.An e-portfolio also help us to begin articulating and reflect the knowledge we gain. Regarding the exercise carried out I've observed that I still need more practice regarding the functions of my camera and how it works.Mr Vinod even helped me figure out the functions and help me carry out the task.

Form what Ive gathered I've realised that the class is really getting into the spirit of being an active learner,most of the students will ask for help regarding any problems face,although eventually we will all have to learn on our own in the next assignment.However it was nice to have practical activity because it made me understand the lesson a bit more when I put my camera to the test .I also want to talk a bit about team work as far as grouping goes I appreciate how each and everyone is trying to help each other out to complete this exercise and I think that Mr Vinod did a great job at explaining and conducting the lessons.Thank you sir :)

Helpful Information :

taken from Intro2Photography( foundation) Facebook Page.

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