Tuesday 29 April 2014

ISO and Shutter Speed of a camera

25/4/2014( Week 4)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin (0319405)
Iso and Shutter Speed of a camera

During our lesson today,we had yet another group discussion.Mr Vinod had made us sit in a circle facing each other and have our talk.We first discussed about the ISO.Questions were thrown and some were answered.After the discussion Mr Vinod then gave us a short presentation of the ISO and how it works.He then gave us an assignment to complete within the class period regarding the ISO.After being grouped me and my teammates begin to set off and complete our task.We were given roughly 15 minutes.After taking a couple of photos we went back to class and present our work to Mr Vinod proving that our statement was indeed correct.After Mr Vinod had checked all of the other groups work,he begin to continue his small presentation this time regarding shutter speed of the camera.Before the class ended he gave us another exercise to complete during the weekends regarding the shutter speed which involves the ceiling fans.

Instructions for Exercise 2c) ISO (5%)
Exercise 2c.1)
From the discussion and presentation, we know that ISO effects exposure, my task is to prove that this is true.

Iso:200,Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:5.6
Iso:400,Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:5.6
Iso:800,Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:5.6

Iso:1600Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:5.6
Iso:3200,Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:5.6
Iso:6400,Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:5.6
Iso:12800,Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:5.6

Exercise 2c.2)
From the discussion and presentation, we know that when the ISO is increased the quality of the picture gets effected,my task is to prove this is true.

Marking Criteria: The student must capture the evidence of degradation of the image as the ISO increases in sensitivity. The student also must produce evidence that ISO can directly affect exposure

Iso:200,Shutter speed:0"8,Aperture;6.3
Iso:400,Shutter speed:0"4,Aperture:6.3
Iso:800,Shutter speed:1/15,Aperture:6.3
Iso:1600,Shutter speed:1/10,Aperture:6.3
Iso:3200,Shutter speed:1/20,Aperture:6.3
Iso:6400,Shutter speed:1/40,Aperture:6.3
Iso:12800,Shutter speed:1/40,Aperture:6.3

What I Understand :
When the number of the ISO is increased,the more sensitive the sensor is to the amount of light which allows you to take a photo in the dark however the background of the photo will be a lot more grainer/noisier.

Instructions for Exercise 2b) Shutter Speed (5%)
1.Using a ceiling fan, keep the fan speed at 1.
2. capture images using shutter settings from 1/1000th of a second till 1/4th of second.
3.Repeat this exercise after changing the fan speed from 1 to 2 and then from 2 to 3 and so on.

Marking Criteria: The student must capture evidence of the Shutter’s ability to freeze fast moving objects and blur moving objects.

2b) Shutter Speed (5%)
Marking Criteria: The student must capture the evidence of the Shutter’s ability to freeze fast moving objects and blur moving objects.
2c) ISO (5%)
Marking Criteria: The student must capture the evidence of degradation of image as the ISO increases in sensitivity. The student also must produce evidence that ISO can directly affect exposure.

General Feedback :
For general feedback Mr Vinod told us that our photos should all be in black and white.he reminded us that this is through out our entire sem.He also gave a general feedback to those who have not screen shot the shutter speed exercise.Mr Vinod also told us to download adobe photoshop on our laptops because it will be used in the near future.Lastly Mr Vinod stressed about our reflection part.He said that we must dig in deeper into details and ask ourselves why an how such results came to be.Detailed observation was the key and it is best to ponder on why such results happen.As Mr Vinod would always say "Take a STAB at it",take a guess as to why it happened,it is fine to make an incorrect guess since it its a part of learning.

Specific Feedback :
Mr Vinod said that my Iso exercise was good however,it would have been better if I did my own exercise rather than to rely on the group work as the group work helps to solve the problem.Once I've tried out the group work I should try it out myself.I also got a compliment form Mr Vinod saying he liked that I included the "What I understand" but since it helps me be the scientist I am.He also added that I've did a good job on my shutter speed exercise.

There were some illuminating points that I wrote in my reflection regarding my learning experience that caught Mr Vinod's attention.It is when I said I learn better when Im 'carrying out" the work rather than reading.Having said this,Mr Vinod explained to me that it is still important to do "both",reading and experiencing which go hand in hand.Sometimes it is best to read and experience it,then read again.With that I couldn't agree any less.

Reflection :
From todays class I've experience team work,even though my teammates and I were a little slow at grasping the information regarding the ISO we all still manage to capture photos with the right ISO which helped prove that our statement was correct.Me and my team mates had figured how to take the best photos in order to prove if the ISO effects the exposure? I also experienced a lot of hands on work.
When I begin to put my camera to practice,I somehow manage to understand how it actually works.I found out that  learning how to do it yourself and by practicing with the features of your camera helps make a better sense of understanding rather than just reading it all on the net.Once you put things to the practice you begin to register that to your brain.

I've observed a lot of  things during the exercise that my teammates and I had carried out.As we go deeper into the subject of photographer there is so much to learn and things can get a bit tricky when it comes to understanding the concept but once I've figured it out it will be quite simple.I've begin to understand what an ISO does and how it affects pictures.The lower the number of ISO,the less sensitive the sensor is to light therefor giving a better quality image(less noise) and vise versa.When the Iso number increases ,the sensitivity or the sensor to light also increases,therefore the quality of the image becomes noisier(grainer). I've also realised that working in a team helps us to make good group decision.We begin to put our brains together and solve the problem for instance we decided it would be best to take a photo in a dark area,so my team mates and I set off to find a dark area to photograph our photo.

I thought that todays class was pretty interesting even though todays class information was a lot to grasp and can become quit daunting  I still thought that I have learned and had benefit so much from todays lesson.Mr Vinod had given a lot of information which I can pretty much understand because he makes it alot easier to understand.Now I understand that all three (the Aperture,the Iso and the shutter speed work together to produce a good quality picture .I've also realised that with practice I can actually begin to  wrap my head around the functions of an Iso and the Shutter speed.Reading and jotting down notes isn't going to cut it,instead it is better to practice and have a go with the camera in order to fully understand how the ISO and Shutter speed really works.Overall I find todays class full or information,theres so much more to learn in the world of photography and I am excited and thrilled to learn so much more.

Additional Information :

Roughly how an Iso works and how grains/noise looks like.

When the number of Iso increases,the more sensitive the camera sensor is to light,therefor the image becomes grainer.

How Shutter speed works.

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