Sunday 13 July 2014

Studio Lighting exercise (week 14)

11/7/2014(Week 14)
Imani Najwa Binti Nordin(0319405)
Studio Lighting & Progression on Theme based project:Presentation on 5 Images in printed form.

For todays lesson we proceeded with our previous photo shoot which is the study of the studio lighting.Like the previous week I came a few minutes earlier to finalise my makeup.Not long after I was done and headed for the studio whiles waiting for the others to finish up their makeup.Whiles waiting Mr Vinod did gave the rest of us our Specific feedback as well as mine.He mentioned that submission date is just around the corner and let no time be wasted.Once everyone got settled down in the studio,again Mr Vinod had mentioned about the submission date for the 5 printed:themed based project which is due in week (16) 2 weeks from now.He mentioned important details that had to be taken down,for example when the submission date was and what we should be doing now in order to prepare for the final submission.Apparently Mr Vinod said that by now we should have already selected photos that would be use to start and test print those. First we have to start selecting  photos that iterelate and compliment amongst each other ,a picture that plays to your strength.He told us how they should be printed by photoshopping the photo onto a white border and where we should get the photos printed and all the important details we should know like.

*Ps Tia(my course mate mentioned to me that I've almost always misspelled Mr Vinod's name all the time,so my apologies sir.I usually update my blogs late at night or in the wee hours of the morn and sometimes cant be bother to check my spelling mistakes.

Instructions to Studio Lighting Photography:
1.Select an image from the 1940s-1950's.
2.Only use photos that are photographed under studio lightings.
3.Pose similarly as the subject in the original photo.

The photo that Wafaa choose :
The photo that I photographed and recreated :

As you can see it was a but impossible to get the perfect lighting.The left corner is too dark where as the right side corner is fine.I think the original photograph has already been altered and edited therefore I don't know the original studio lighting set.However,I think I did an acceptable job making her stand out even more.You can also slightly tell her right side part of her cheekbones cast a shadow.

The photo that I choose:

The photo that Wafaa help photographed  :

Progression on the 5 Images:Themed based project:5 Images that are printable

These aren't the same bees like in the previous post.I dont know what it is,but you can actually come really up close to them,since they don't really mind my nosey camera.

more updating soon 

General feedback:

Specific feedback:

The experience of working in a lighting studio for the past few weeks was simply a good change.Usually we come to class and sit and get briefed about something from Mr Vinod,which I might add I do miss a bit.But then again we still do have lectures whiles at the studio.My point is,it was a game changer to be able to actually physically work and do something other then sit around taking notes although thats also how I learn best.I've experienced that handling all this equipment takes great responsibility.

I've also experienced that it was kind of nerve-wracking to behind, both behind the camera and as the photographer.

When It was my turn to photograph Wafaa. I begin to have doubt in myself.I've always seen my course mate Katrina behind the lens working so effortlessly like it was second nature to her.So when it came to me,I got a little frighten,eventually I got over it and to my surprise the rest of my mates teamed up and helped me out.I then and there I realised that I was playing captain and they were my crew members trying to help figure out what I wanted,Weing Ning kept helping me out,arranging things around asking me  if everything was as exact to the photo Wafaa intended to recreate.There were minor problems like how the lighting looks,isn't it always.My mates were very helpful they helped out by dimming the lights and blocking them.There reached a point where there was a harsh shadow in the backdrop that couldn't be smoothen and so I made them switch on a different source of light and from the right I made them carry it towards the left site of the studio.There was also a malfunction when Weing Ning accidentally switched off the lights since she didn't know it would have take around a few minutes for it to restart again,she felt bad but I didn't mind,these silly mistakes are what makes things interesting,it sort of gave me a breather to calmly collect myself and figure out the situation.In the end,like all the shots the last photo was the best out of the rest.

As for being photographed,I dreaded it,owh my how I look so Chinese(no offence taken) I really did ,with my heavy caked makeup it was as if I was some Datin or something.I regreted taking a full face photo,should have done a side portrait:( owh well.All and all it took a while for me to be photographed since everyone wanted to be "next" so I just let them.Being in front of the lens I was like a dear in the headlights,lights flashed bright onto my face,everyone busy preparing me,the worst was to get your body and angle positions correct.It took me quit some time to get into the pose that they wanted me to,believe me it wasn't a breeze,they kept telling me that mr right shoulder needed to be slightly tilted and my left shoulders needed to pop up,say whatt??.I was in a very awkward position,and my hair was a mess despite having a head scarf to tie it all up.There was also the constant" move to the left","chin up","noooo you've gone to far","again","shoulders" and "to the left".Even Olivia felt tensed ,whenever  she came to fix the position of my face it felt like she wanted to tung my head off( you know i love you olivia ;) ).The longer it took the more it got to my nerves and when it was finally over,I took a peak at what they captured and there and then I hated it.God knows why my hair wasn't fixed,it looked dead and greasy but I was to tired to give a damn so I shook it off.

But did I enjoy it? Yes for the most part,helping out others was a lot more fun.I got to help out with the lighting,makeup,something that I would never possibly dream of doing.All and all it was an unforgettable experience.

I've observed a lot lately,first I've observed that we girls share a lot of things together for instance makeup, from blushes to mascara to even lipsticks,call it gross,unsanitary too but it was kind of nice for all of us to lend out a helping hand.I've also realised that most of us were really into the photo shoot then others,like me I couldn't be bothered much with my dressing but Sabrina and the rest really did put their all into it.Maybe I should be like them,giving my 100%.I've also observed that everyone pitched in when it came to helping other peoples shots.For the most part I've realised that more and more of us are getting the hang of handling the equipment and knowing which lighting is best.

Lately,I've realised that all of this,this studio lighting exercise all of it is actually important.Its the kind of knowledge thats hard to grasp unless your actually doing both reading and physically handling the equipment.Another thing that I've also realised is that this time around most of us were early,we came early and we did our makeup touch up in the restroom.We were much more calmer then the previous week,probably because we know whats going to happen next.

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